T2 Optimisation

T2 Optimisation

Client Objectives

To understand how to optimise the Titan and Trojan (T2) fleet and improve vehicle availability in a sustainable manner.

Key Deliverables

Produce a vehicle availability and fleet optimisation report that both investigated the underlying challenges to achieving and sustaining vehicle availability and to make recommendations, across the DLODs on how to improve fleet model design, to optimise T2 fleet ongoing availability.

Our Role

The project/we understood detailed analysis of vehicle data alongside capturing stakeholder feedback to understand the problems affecting vehicle availability. We/The project then took an enterprise approach to the fleet to design a new fleet model, providing recommendations to optimise the fleet and improve availability.

Final Outcomes

A substantive fleet optimisation and vehicle availability report was presented to Project DIABOLO. The recommendations were endorsed and put forward for implementation.

"I particularly appreciated the way the Engage Team Lead worked alongside and with my management team to sensitively overcome some cultural barriers to change."

Training Delivery Manager, Babcock International

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