Business Modernisation for Support

Business Modernisation for Support

Client Objectives

Sourced SQEP to progress the rationalisation of the Defence Support 'Bridging the Gap' (BtG) IS Systems portfolio. A formal review identified a candidate subset of 20 applications, this work was to enable consolidation or retirement of a number of those applications over 12 months, reducing the need for ongoing support, management, and funding. Given the complexity of the application portfolio and level of Support IS experience required, it was assessed that the required resource have specialisms in Project Management, as well as Business Change and Stakeholder management.

Key Deliverables

· Monthly update detailing activities that have been undertaken and any actions that were resolved or require input/support.

· A documented report which includes the options explored, actions taken and timelines of when tasks will be completed to deliver the rationalisation of the reported-on applications covered by this period.

· Provision of a document detailing the final status of the completed work, with a summary for each application covered under the rationalisation task.

Our Role

Engage have been intimately involved with the rationalisation of the Defence Support 'Bridging the Gap' (BtG) IS Systems portfolio for a decade. An Engage technical team had previously carried out the work to identify the candidate subset of 20 applications previously mentioned. The Engage team held weekly and monthly meetings with the user community involved with the applications subject to the rationalisation task. Detailed the planned activity, captured, and agreed actions and timelines. The team also continuously detailed the status of work including updates for each application and keeping it up to date. Provided reports which included actions taken and timelines of when tasks were due to be completed to deliver the rationalisation of the reported-on applications.

Final Outcomes

The Engage team chased down, as far as practicable within the timeframe, status and future plans for the apps in question; providing an update and evidence to the client. Under the Equinox Joint Venture and supported by the wider supply chain, we reviewed 20 apps that form part of the wider BMfS portfolio and have potential to be removed (closed or transferred) earlier than originally planned.

"I particularly appreciated the way the Engage Team Lead worked alongside and with my management team to sensitively overcome some cultural barriers to change."

Training Delivery Manager, Babcock International

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